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Eating Insects

Florian J. Schweigert

Eating insects is not as absurd as many people might think. In fact, they are an essential and regular part of the diet in many regions of the world. They have a high protein content and provide nutritious food at low environmental cost. And they are tasty too. The land mass is limited, the oceans are overfished.

Climate change is having a serious impact on food production. We need to think seriously about what we eat and how we produce it. While people in less developed countries use a wide variety of food sources, including various types of insects, we in the industrial nations limit ourselves to the "Western diet": a diet rich in energy but poor in nutrients, which follows the laws of the market and the economy rather than biological or ecological principles. Since 2018, the sale of insects is also regulated in the EU. In the meantime insects as food are also finding their way into our supermarkets. Their consumption makes an important contribution to improving the impact of food on our environment. The only thing still hindering us is the way we perceive insects.

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