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China First

Theo Sommer

In just a few decades, China has transformed itself: it has gone from poorhouse to high-tech nation. Multi-lane motorways and high-speed trains connect its centres. China’s rise is often dismissed as based on imported or even stolen technology, and hampered by overwhelming social and ecological problems. Theo Sommer shows this to be a dangerous error. Readers of his lucid book, full of surprising facts and contexts, will see China and the West in a new light.

China takes the lead in a growing number of emergent sectors like renewable energy and electric mobility. The Silk Road project gives it control over important trade routes. China asserts itself increasingly in foreign politics; in Asia this also takes the form of military dominance. New strong man Xi Jinping has secured a network of power that reaches further than Mao once did. He is fine-tuning the surveillance state with digital facial recognition and an Orwellian ‘social credit system’. Here, too, China plays a pioneering role that may well be uncomfortable to the West. The Chinese century has begun. It now matters urgently that we understand it and assert ourselves.

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  • Language: Korean Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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