Cover: Mitchell, Stephen / French, David, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) - Vol. I

Mitchell, Stephen / French, David

The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) - Vol. I

Hardcover 118,00 €
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Mitchell, Stephen / French, David

The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) - Vol. I

From Augustus to the end of the third century AD.

Ancient Ancyra, modern Ankara, was one of the most important cities of the eastern Roman empire, the capital of the central Anatolian province of Galatia. The most important sources for understanding the city’s history and culture, and its place within the Roman Empire, are the inscriptions. This volume provides editions with full illustrations, commentaries and indexes of 315 texts from the period of Augustus to the third century AD. They include a new and comprehensively illustrated edition of the ‘queen of Roman inscriptions’, the Res Gestae of Augustus, based on a new study of the Latin and Greek versions on the imperial temple at Ancyra. The volume also contains important texts relating to the transformation of the Galatian aristocracy under Roman rule, to the deployment of Roman legions in the second and third centuries, and to imperial visits. There is an unusually high proportion of Latin inscriptions for a Greek city. A lengthy historical introduction discusses its society, culture and political organisation. Particular emphasis is placed on questions of chronology, the ‘epigraphic habit’ at Ankara, and patterns of language use.

Edited by Stephen Mitchell, and David French.
Hardcover 118,00 € Kaufen



Erschienen am 09. Februar 2012

IX, 523 S., mit 296 Abbildungen

Hardcover (In Leinen)

Bibliografische Reihen


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Bibliografische Reihen



Erschienen am 09. Februar 2012

IX, 523 S., mit 296 Abbildungen

Hardcover (In Leinen)

Hardcover (In Leinen) 118,000 € Kaufen

Mitchell, Stephen / French, David

The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) - Vol. I

From Augustus to the end of the third century AD

Ancient Ancyra, modern Ankara, was one of the most important cities of the eastern Roman empire, the capital of the central Anatolian province of Galatia. The most important sources for understanding the city’s history and culture, and its place within the Roman Empire, are the inscriptions. This volume provides editions with full illustrations, commentaries and indexes of 315 texts from the period of Augustus to the third century AD. They include a new and comprehensively illustrated edition of the ‘queen of Roman inscriptions’, the Res Gestae of Augustus, based on a new study of the Latin and Greek versions on the imperial temple at Ancyra. The volume also contains important texts relating to the transformation of the Galatian aristocracy under Roman rule, to the deployment of Roman legions in the second and third centuries, and to imperial visits. There is an unusually high proportion of Latin inscriptions for a Greek city. A lengthy historical introduction discusses its society, culture and political organisation. Particular emphasis is placed on questions of chronology, the ‘epigraphic habit’ at Ankara, and patterns of language use.
Edited by Stephen Mitchell, and David French.
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