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From Rome to the Edges of the World

Arnold Esch

History on the road - 20 exploratory trips with Arnold Esch. In his new book the historian Arnold Esch not only leads us through Italy particularly familiar to him, but also to the "edges of the world". He follows, from the 20th century to far back into antiquity, the fascinating traces of pilgrims, merchants and scholars across Europe to Jerusalem, to the coasts of Africa and to the vastness of Siberia.

Guided by Esch on the basis of historical, partly newly developed source documents, the reader follows a Roman inscription carver on the road from Augsburg to Salzburg or accompanies Roman soldiers along the imperial border on plains and desert. In 1470 we accompany an indulgence collector on his difficult journey through Germany and the Netherlands, we also listen to the complaints of exiles on distant, recently discovered Atlantic islands and we see Italy from below with job seekers and vagabonds around 1900, and finally, in 1992, with the disturbed reactions of Siberian newspapers to the end of the Soviet Union in mind, we travel from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Thus this knowledgeably and entertainingly written book gathers a wide range of historical information from reports, letters, customs registers, which invite us to make our own explorations.

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