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The Reinvention of the Nation

Aleida Assmann

Among intellectuals, the concept of nation is ambiguos. But who says that nation automatically means ethnic homogeneity and a comunity which excludes others? Aleida Assmann winner of the Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (Peace Prize of the German Booksellers Assosiation in 2018) calls for rethinking the concept of nation and defends it against its despisers.

The tabooing of the concept of nation has led to a lack of awareness and discussion about the meaning and role of the nation. Aleida Assmann's new book aims to stimulate this debate: it pleads for the reinvention of a form of nation that understands itself as democratic, civil and diverse and is able to face the enormous tasks of the future in solidarity. In order to better understand the current crisis of the nation it is indispensable to examine the different narratives determining the past, future and identity of social groups. They prove to be a key to the question of all ideas dividing nations - and of all concepts unifing them.  

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