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The Holy Spirit

Jörg Lauster

Jörg Lauster tells the biography of the Holy Spirit from the story of creation through early Christian, mystical, philosophical and romantic ideas of the spirit to today's Pentecostal Christianity and the question of where in a disenchanted world the spirit can be heard. He vividly shows how, in the name of the spirit, new departures have occurred again and again, but also explores the dark side of this enigmatic power.

Besides God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the "triune God". He hovered over the primeval flood before creation, lowered himself on Jesus at his baptism and let the apostles preach in foreign languages in the miracle of Pentecost. The Spirit appears as a murmuring wind and roaring storm, as fire and dove, in the church and in nature. He is the great transforming force, inspiring love, he fuels visions, inspires artists and preachers, undermines traditions and authorities and, as a world spirit, drives history forward. Jörg Lauster's biography of the Holy Spirit goes far beyond the history of theology, because political utopias, philosophical ideas of freedom, the cult of artistic genius or the modern view of nature show how the Spirit finds expression even in a secularised world. The secret centre of this first biography of the Holy Spirit is the philosophy of the Renaissance, which like a hinge connects medieval and modern, divine and human spirit.

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