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The Last Lord of the Forest

Thomas Fischermann |Madarejúwa Tenharim

The young warrior Madarejúwa Tenharim is one of the last lords of the Amazon forest. His native clan once numbered more than 10,000, but their population has shrunk to just under 1,000.

In 2013, journalist Thomas Fischermann encountered him for the first time on an expedition. Since then, Fischermann has traveled to the same area several times a year, becoming the first outsider allowed to visit the clan’s holy places, participating in the Tenharim people’s daily life and recording hundreds of hours of interviews with Madarejúwa himself as well as the chiefs, healers and tribal elders.

“The Last Lord of the Forest” is primarily told from the first-person perspective of Madarejúwa as written down by Thomas Fischermann. It features a young warrior’s tales of being on the hunt for wild boars and monkeys, in fights with jaguars and anacondas, and visiting mystical sites for rituals and festivals. Fischermann’s adventures with Tenharim reveal what the forest means to this young man and his people: when nature dies, they too die. The forest is where they find their food, their natural remedies, their identity and spirituality. This book offers a truly unforgettable account of an ancient understanding of the relationship between man and nature.

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