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Between Koran and Kafka

Navid Kermani

What does the Shiite Passion play have to do with Brecht’s theater? Which of Goethe’s poems were inspired by the Koran? How is Ibn Arabi’s theology of the Sigh connected with the “ach!” of Alcmene? And why did the Iranian poet Hedayat feel a sense of identity with Kafka, a Jewish writer from Prague? In this fascinating book Navid Kermani makes the familiar boundaries between East and West disappear. Readers will seldom have encountered such an elegant (and politically current) demonstration of what world literature is.

“Anyone who knows himself and others will recognize here: It is no longer possible to separate the Orient from the Occident.” Navid Kermani interprets Goethe’s famous lines in the literal sense, reading the Koran as a poetic text and opening up Middle Eastern texts for discusses. He also analyses the political significance of theater from Shakespeare and Lessing to Brecht.

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