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Robert M. Zoske

Without Hans Scholl, the White Rose resistance group would not have existed. But how did this 23-year-old end up risking his life in the fight against Hitler? Working with previously unknown documents, Robert M. Zoske draws a new, fascinating portrait of a young man who was attracted to National Socialism’s heroism as well as a naturemystical piety, but whose desire for freedom was his greatest and most uncompromising passion.

“Live fully or not at all!” wrote Hans Scholl, and it is amazing how much experience was contained in his short life. Even though he had been promoted to troop leader in the Hitler Youth, he led a banned youth group that took adventurous trips and read outlawed writers. He loved boys and girls, composed poems and stories. As a medical student, he was particularly interested in philosophy and he experienced the horror of war as a paramedic on the frontlines. He was friends with artists and writers, admired Stefan George and Thomas Mann. Zoske shows how much Scholl’s radio speeches influenced the White Rose leaflets, which he wrote and distributed with his fellow campaigners. “Long live freedom” were his last words and this captivating book brings his legacy impressively to life.

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