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Digital Followers

Christoph Türcke

Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Amazon are social magnets – the makers of clans in an emergent global digital tribal society. Traditional social bonds of family, institutions, parties, clubs and states increasingly weaken, while digital platforms create new forms of collectives that appear like swarms or hordes. Their users are ‘followers’ in both senses of the word. In this explosive analysis, philosopher Christoph Türcke shows where digitalisation might lead us. His new book is an eye opener.

Platforms do not enslave their users, they addict them. But as they do so, they bind them more commandingly than any political-military force. They algorithmically direct their desires. The powerful design that is the platform is only beginning to grow the reach of its influence. Big players are already working to rebuild health-, education- and traffic systems according to the principle of platforms. Politics is also increasingly subject to the their logic. While Donald Trump treats the US like a corporation, he also does politics on Twitter and perceives citizens as followers or enemies. But there are also counterforces and alternative approaches. Türcke concludes his book with the hopeful innovations that point beyond the digital hell they currently facilitate.

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