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Christian Jostmann

500 years ago, Portuguese sailor Fernão de Magalhães set out to find a strait along the coast of the newly discovered Western continent in order to reach the Moluccas of the Pacific Ocean. The promise of unimaginable wealth, in the form of precious spices, enticed him and his imperial patron to risk the adventure. But while the latter only gambled a part of his imperial purse, the former put his life at stake.

When the ships of the general commander reached the estuary of today’s Magellan strait north of Cape Horn, there were barely any provisions left, and life and death of the crew had been at the mercy of the weather. Magellan faced perpetual dangers – mutiny of his crew, storms, fights with natives. Yet he pressed on unswervingly: what had begun as an expedition to the Spice Islands ended in the first circumnavigation of the globe. Jostmann shines a light on political, social and cultural contexts. At the same time, and with great literary panache and profound knowledge of the available sources, the author tells the fascinating story of the dramatic events of the circumnavigation.

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  • Language: Italian Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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