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Respect is different

Gabriele Krone-Schmalz

Germany is in combat mode. Instead of decently arguing, those who disagree are denigrated - either as "left-wing green spoiled", as "traitors to the people", as "Nazis" and "racists", or simply as "old white men." Problems are increasingly discussed in the state of hysterical hyperventilation. In her new book, Gabriele Krone-Schmalz takes a worried look at a divided country and pleads for more respect for those who think differently.

The world is facing great challenges. Enough material for heated debates. But how do we want to lead them? Respectfully? In a constructive way? Tough, but conciliatory in tone? It would be better, especially for the cohesion of the German society and the stability of the German democracy. There is exaggeration, panic is being stirred up, the dignity of those who think differently is being damaged, and although anyone can say anything they like, they have to fear constantly to be insulted and threatened by those who disagree with them. We should look for common ground instead of picking on each other, we should appreciate compromises instead of insisting on maximum demands and we should keep an eye on how much is going well in Germany. “Serenity is the most graceful form of self-confidence”, as Marie von Ebner- Eschenbach already knew.

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