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The Other ‘68

Christina von Hodenberg

Fifty years after the student protest movement of 1968, it is time to take a fresh look at these events that are still dividing Germany. Based on new sources evaluated for the first time, this book challenges old conclusions and reveals the other Sixty-Eight beyond the legends that have been repeated over and over again.

In the German collective memory, Sixty-Eight involved young male students in big cities like Berlin and Frankfurt and, hovering in the background, was a generational conflict that fed on the dispute over how to deal with the Nazi past. Rudi Dutschke, the Students for Democratic Society and the Berlin Commune I were the main players. But is this really the whole story? In her brilliantly argued study, Christina von Hodenberg shows that Sixty-Eight was also female, it happened outside the big cities, the Nazi past was not the main driving force and parents had a greater understanding of their children’s concerns than it might seem in retrospect. By taking a closer look beneath the surface, The Other ‘68 provides the first true social history of this important moment in student activism and contemporary German history.

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