Cover: Oechsler / Hager, §§ 826-829; ProdHaftG

Oechsler / Hager

§§ 826-829; ProdHaftG

Hardcover 239,00 €
Hardcover 219,00 €
Hardcover 189,95 €
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Oechsler / Hager

§§ 826-829; ProdHaftG

(Vorsätzliche sittenwidrige Schädigung, Unzurechnungsfähigkeit und Produkthaftung).

Staudinger –A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! - Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. - Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. - One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. - The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. - The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. - Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. - A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. - Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. - Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. - Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. - No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. - Online: available only at juris

Herausgegeben von: Jürgen Oechsler und Johannes Hager.


Hardcover 239,00 € Kaufen
Hardcover 219,00 € Kaufen
Hardcover 189,95 € Kaufen



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Erschienen am 09. Dezember 2021


Neubearbeitung 2021, 2021

IX, 700 S.



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Der Code wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.


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Erschienen am 09. Dezember 2021


Neubearbeitung 2021 , 2021

IX, 700 S.


Hardcover 239,000 € Kaufen
Hardcover 219,000 € Kaufen
Hardcover 189,950 € Kaufen

Oechsler / Hager

§§ 826-829; ProdHaftG

(Vorsätzliche sittenwidrige Schädigung, Unzurechnungsfähigkeit und Produkthaftung)

Staudinger –A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! - Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. - Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. - One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. - The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. - The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. - Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. - A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. - Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. - Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. - Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. - No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. - Online: available only at juris
Herausgegeben von: Jürgen Oechsler und Johannes Hager.
Webcode: /33382937

§§ 809-811 (Anweisung, Schuldverschreibung auf den Inhaber, Vorverlegung von Sachen)

§§ 812 - 822 (Ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung)

§ 581-606 (Pacht, Landpacht, Leihe)

UmwelthaftungsR (Umwelthaftungsrecht)

§§ 346-354 (Rücktritt)

§§ 611-613 (Dienstvertrag und Arbeitsvertrag)

§§ 557-580a; Anh: AGG (Mietrecht 2 - Miethöhe und Beendigung des Mietverhältnisses)

§§ 705-740 (Gesellschaftsrecht)

§§ 765-778 (Bürgschaft)

§§ 311, 311a-c (Vertragsschluss)

§§ 840-853 (Haftung mehrerer; Geldrente oder Kapitalabfindung; Ersatzansprüche Dritter bei Tötung)

§§ 433-448

§§ 812 - 822 (Ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung)

§§ 305-310; UKlaG (AGB-Recht 1 und Unterlassungsklagengesetz)

§§ 516-534 (Schenkungsrecht)

§§ 613a-619a (Betriebsübergang, Zahlung der Vergütung, Arbeitsschutz, Arbeitnehmerhaftung)

§§ 241-243 (Treu und Glauben)


§§ 491-512 (Verbraucherdarlehen)

§§ 305-310 (AGB-Recht 1 und Unterlassungsklagengesetz)

§§ 631-651 (Werkvertragsrecht)

§§ 662-675b (Auftrag und Geschäftsbesorgung)

§§ 839, 839a (Amtshaftungsrecht)

§§ 826-829; ProdHaftG

§§ 840-853 (Unerlaubte Handlungen 5)

§§ 397-432 (Erlass, Abtretung, Schuldübernahme, Mehrheit von Schuldnern und Gläubigern)

§§ 830-838 (Haftung mehrerer Schädiger, Tierhalter-, Gebäudehaftung)

§§ 249-254 (Schadensersatzrecht)

§§ 620-630 (Beendigung von Dienst- und Arbeitsverhältnissen)

§§ 358-360 (Verbundene und zusammenhängende Verträge)

§§ 535-556g (Mietrecht 1 - Allgemeine Vorschriften; Wohnraummiete)

Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz

Vorbem zu § 611 ff; §§ 611-613 (Dienstvertragsrecht I)

§§ 652-655; 656a-656d

Anhang zu §§ 305-310 (AGB-Recht 2: AGB-Kontrolle wichtiger Vertragstypen)

§§ 675c-676c (Zahlungsdienstrecht)

§§ 630a-630h (Behandlungsvertrag)

§§ 491-515 (Verbraucherdarlehen)

BGB §§ 255-304 (Leistungsstörungsrecht 1)

§§ 346-361 (Rücktritt und Widerruf)

§§ 651a-651m (Reisevertragsrecht)

§§ 244-248; PrKG (Geldrecht)

§§ 311, 311a-c (Vertragsschluss)

§§ 312, 312a-k

Wiener UN-Kaufrecht (CISG)

§§ 823 A-D (Unerlaubte Handlungen 1 - Rechtsgüter und Rechte; Persönlichkeitsrecht; Gewerbebetrieb)

Wiener UN-Kaufrecht (CISG)

§§ 741-764 (Gemeinschaft, Leibrente, Spiel)

§§ 823 E-I, 824, 825 (Verkehrspflichten, deliktische Produkthaftung, Verletzung eines Schutzgesetzes, Arzthaftungsrecht)

§§ 315-326 (Leistungsstörungsrecht 2)